Submission to the Plenary Council
The Submission to the Plenary Council is comprised of a covering letter and a number of…
Attachment A to the Plenary Council Submission
List of matters requiring attention in more detail by the Church in Australia
Attachment B to Plenary Council Submission
Submission for sacramental program on Reconciliation Broken Bay Diocese.
Attachment C to Plenary Council Submission
Submission on sacramental program for Eucharist in Broken Bay Diocese
Attachment D to the Plenary Council Submission
Submission on Individual Morality
Attachment E to Plenary Council Submission
Submission on a Social Morality Policy for the Church
Attachment F to Plenary Council Submission
Submission about proposed changes to the Text books To Know, Worship and Love
Attachment G to the Plenary Council Submission
Submission on how to get our message across at State Schools without offending various …
Attachment H to Plenary Council Submission
Submission that management of the Church should be performance based
Attachment J to Plenary Council Submission
Speech by Archbishop Fisher reported in the Catholic Weekly in May 2015 regarding relig…
Attachment K to the Plenary Council Submiisson
Graph showing percentage of Catholics attending Mass weekly in different years.
Atttachment L to the Plenary Council Submission
List of signatories to the submission to the Plenary Council